GreenFeathers News
Welcome to the Green Feathers blog. Read all our latest wildlife guides, bird watching tips and more to help you get close to nature in your garden. Get your bird box cameras and wildlife cameras to spot the wildlife in habitats around your garden today.
Emerald Emissaries: Exploring the Enchanting World of Green Feathered Flyers
Join us as we delve into the realm of green birds, those magnificent creatures adorned in nature's emerald attire. From...
Hedgehog Harmony: Unveiling the Charm and Conservation of UK's Spiky Residents
In this blog post, we will shine a spotlight on the common kinds of hedgehogs found in the UK, shedding...
Bird of the Month - Common Chiffchaff
In this edition, we shine a spotlight on a delightful little songbird known as the Chiffchaff. Join us as we...
The Plight of Hedgehogs: Are They Endangered?
Welcome to our blog post where we shed light on the concerning state of hedgehogs and explore whether they are...
Discover the Rarest Birds Per Region in the UK
Embark on a thrilling avian journey through the United Kingdom as we explore the rarest birds per region. From the...
The Best Ways To Attract Hedgehogs To Your Garden
In this article, we'll focus on one of nature's delightful creatures—the hedgehog. These small, spiky mammals not only captivate us...
Brightening Up Bird Boxes: Shedding Light on Green Feathers' Innovative Solutions
Brighten up bird boxes with Green Feathers! Discover their LED Daytime Lamp, creating a natural light environment. Learn about the...
Creating a Bird Paradise: Tips for Attracting Songbirds to Your Outdoor Space
Calling all bird lovers! If you dream of turning your outdoor space into a captivating sanctuary for songbirds, your wishes...